Posts Tagged ‘small business’
Small Business Size Standards
The United States Small Business Administration (SBA) defines, by either average annual sales or number of employees, whether or not a business is considered small (or SBE – small business enterprise) by their primary NAICS code. [NAICS = North American Industry Classifications System, a set of codes used to classify the type of work a…
Read MoreProfiles in Certification – OQ Point LLC
We’re back with another certification profile. As a reminder, Samantha Smith interviews potential businesses, so email us with a request to be included — and no, you don’t have to be a client. Next up, OQ Point, LLC. If you are considering diversity certification, you might be asking yourself: Which certification should I choose? And…
Read MoreProfiles in Certification – Bill Evans
We’re back profiling another SDMWVLGBTBE (Small Disadvantaged or Disabled, Minority, Women, Veteran, Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual or Transgendered Business Enterprise) — this time speaking with a business that holds multiple certifications, though the conversation focused on their Disability Owned Business Enterprise status. Samantha Smith interviews potential businesses, so email us with a request to be included…
Read MorePerspectives
We often talk about the history of supplier diversity, how its roots are buried in the affirmative action/equal employment opportunities that came out of the Kennedy, Johnson and Nixon administrations. Some of our staff actually marched (and sat) in solidarity with Martin Luther King, Jr’s mission at various locations and campuses in the Midwest and…
Read MoreYou Should Get Certified!
If you’re a DMWVLGBTBE (Disadvantaged or Disabled, Minority, Women, Veteran, Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual or Transgendered Business Enterprise), particularly if you’re a small business, you’ve probably heard that advice. We’ve talked about having a strategy when it comes to selecting the certifications that are right for your business, but just jumping right into filling out a…
Read MoreWorking ON Your Business
Work ON your business, not in it. As SDMWVLGBTBE (Small, Disadvantaged, Disabled, Minority, Women, Veteran, Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual or Transgendered Business Enterprises) entrepreneurs, we frequently hear that phrase. Sometimes, many of us aren’t even sure what it means because the phrase can encompass many activities … training or education, networking, volunteerism, public speaking, memberships, conferences or mentoring just to list a few. …
Read MoreGeek Strong
If you’ve been reading our posts, it may be apparent we’re readers (for some of us, books are the drug of choice). So what do quirky actress Felicia Day [author of You’re Never Weird on the Internet (almost)] and social scientist Brené Brown [author of Rising Strong] have of interest to SDMWVLGBTBE (Small, Disadvantaged/Disabled, Minority,…
Read MoreLearning From Fangirls (and boys)
We’ve been reading rather than writing, lately, and two books made such an impact we had to share the insights we’ve gained with a wider community — we’ll talk more about The Confidence Code in our next blog as our most recent discussion happened when one of us posed the question: Can you be a…
Read MoreWhat’s In Store for 2015?
Happy, happy, merry, merry and all of that holiday jazz with Best Wishes for 2015 from all of us at Abator and A famous Dickens’ character says “May I have some more, please”? That’s what we want – more diversity in the workplace and market place. And, if recent news articles are any indication,…
Read MoreSize Standards Revised!
Claiming Small Business Status? It is important to know that there are sizing rules and regulations that you must use to determine whether or not your business is considered small. And, the definition of small depends on your business’s industry based on NAICS (North American Industry Classification System) codes. At the federal level, being classified as…
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